Contract and return conditions

The terms and conditions of the Organised Travel and Excursions Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") shall apply to travel and excursions organised by the tour operator Amberturas (hereinafter referred to as "Organiser").

The travel and excursion carriage service shall be carried out in accordance with the information set out in the Annexes to the Contract, on the dates specified.

1. Obligations of the Parties.

1. 1. Obligations of the Organiser:

To ensure that the tourist(s) receives all the services specified in the contract in accordance with the tourist's legitimate expectations, whether the trips, excursions or individual services are provided by the Organiser itself or by other service providers. The most up-to-date and relevant information about the trips, excursions, services and changes in the programme thereof after the conclusion of the contract shall be published on the Organiser's website and on the Facebook social networking sites "Amberturas Tour Operator", "Tours in Egypt", "Tours in Turkey", and/or by contacting the customer personally.


1.2. Conditions for refund or cancellation.

1.2.1. if the minimum number of tourists is not reached - 80% (air travel) and 35 (coach travel), the cancellation must be notified at least 10 days before the start of the trip. If a different minimum number of tourists is indicated in the description of the booked trip on the website and/or in the annexes to the contract, the minimum number of tourists indicated will apply. If the cancellation is notified in due and timely manner and the money paid for the trip or excursion is refunded, the organiser shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the client.

1.2.2. if the tour does not take place due to the fault of the Tour Operator, refund the Tourist's money in full, or offer an alternative travel offer at a lower price, which the Tourist could not have foreseen or suspended.

1.2.3. to reimburse the cost of the amount of services not provided by the Tour Operator, except in cases where the failure to fulfil the obligations is due to the fault of the Tourist himself/herself or of a third party unrelated to this contract (e.g., decisions of the authorities in another country) or to circumstances of force majeure (e.g., natural disasters, strikes, political conflicts, wars, etc.). To provide the Tourist with emergency assistance during the trip to return to the point of departure when the Tour Operator is unable to fulfil part of the terms of the Contract due to: the fault of a third party unrelated to this Contract; force majeure circumstances; an event which neither the Tour Operator nor the Tourist, even with the necessary precautions, could have foreseen or prevented.

1.2.4. The price cannot be revised 21 days before the start of the trip, unless otherwise specified in an annex to the contract. The price may be increased only in the event of changes in transport costs due to changes in fuel prices, sea and airport taxes, exchange rates. These payment terms do not apply to bookings with advance purchase or special discount/price, special price or similar. In case of a special discount, please refer to the payment and refund conditions in the Annex.

1.2.5 If the tourist refuses to go on the trip (if the trip was not purchased with a special discount or at the time of pre-purchase), refunds will be made in the following order: the day before the trip starts:

more than: 28 days - 100%;

between 28 and 21 days - 80%;

between 21 and 11 days - 50%;

from 11 to 7 days - 20%;

7 days or less.

1.2.3. if the minimum number of tourists specified in the annex to the excursion contract and/or in the excursion programme is not reached, the cancellation notice shall be given at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the excursion, or as specified in the annex to the contract. if the tourist refuses to go on the excursion, the Organiser may require the tourist to pay a reasonable cancellation fee as set out in the contract and its annex. The amount of the cancellation fee shall depend on the time of cancellation before the start of the excursion:

up to 36 hours - 100% refund (or as specified in the Annex to the Contract);

up to 48 hours - 50% refund (or as specified in the Annex to the Contract);

      24 hours or less no refund (or as specified in the Annex to the Contract).

1.2.4 The Tourist shall have the right to terminate the Contract and not to pay the termination fee if the Organiser modifies the terms of the Contract prior to the commencement of the Trip and the Tourist does not agree to the Organiser's proposed changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract within the time limit specified by the Organiser.


1.3 Changing the price of excursions

1.3.1 The Organiser has the right to increase the price of the excursion after the conclusion of the contract. The price of the excursion may only be increased if it is directly affected by changes in the cost of transporting the Tourists due to increases in fuel or other costs, the amount of the services included in the Contract, the amount of related taxes or charges levied by third parties and those not directly involved in the excursion but operating the tour;

1.3.2. the Organiser shall inform the Tourist in a clear and comprehensible manner of the price increase at least 36 hours prior to the start of the trip (excursion), indicating the reasons for the price increase (or provide the information in an annex to the Contract).

1.3.3. If the price of the excursion is increased by 10 percent compared to the previously announced price, the Tourist shall have the right to terminate the Contract or to choose an alternative offer offered by the Organiser, or to have the deposit paid (if any) refunded.


1. 4. Obligations of the tourist(s)

1.4.1 To pay on time for the trip, excursion or individual service in accordance with the payment procedure indicated on the Organiser's website and/or in the annex to the contract.

1.4.2 To provide in a timely manner all information and documents necessary for the Organiser to perform this contract. The Tourist undertakes to provide correct and complete data in the booking form. In the event of any change in the data provided in the booking form, the Tourist must update them immediately.

1.4.3 To arrive on time at the specified starting point of the trip, to follow the Organiser's instructions regarding the performance of the trip, excursion or individual parts of the services, and to observe public order. If the Tourist fails to arrive at the time indicated by the Organiser's representative or guide, the Tourist shall be kept waiting for 5 (five) minutes from the time indicated (or as specified in the annex to the contract).

1.4.4 In the event of the Tourist's non-arrival, the tour shall commence without any absentees and no refund of additional payments (if any) shall be made. In the event of unforeseen delays caused by the Organiser, or in the event that the services are also provided by another service provider, the Tourist shall be notified of the unforeseen circumstances: by telephone, email or as agreed in advance.

1.4.5 By booking a trip, excursions or other services in the Online Shop, the Tourist agrees to these Rules, undertakes to comply with the requirements set out in the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, the privacy policy and undertakes to abide by them.

1.4.6 To indemnify the damage caused during the excursion. In cases where the Tourist does not accept the fault, the Tour Operator shall be entitled to recover damages in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

1.4.7 When travelling by bus, minibus or car, the Tourist shall not consume alcoholic beverages or smoke.