Balloon ride in Luxor

Balloon ride in Luxor

Egypt Uncharted - Lake Nasser: spectacular scenery, temples and fishing, a name that was born on the 6th day of the trip, and so many impressions that it took a good three weeks for everything to come together, for something to blur or to emerge.

To tell you the truth, it's been a long time since I've written and shared my impressions of the trip, it's been a year, maybe even more, and this time I decided to pick up the pen and keep quiet, I hope you enjoy it.

I can honestly say that I have been saving up for a hot air balloon flight for at least 3 years. Those who know me well know that I'm not a friend of "heights" and many attractions, even the same climb to a high, or not so high observation tower, the "devil's circle", the lift, the funicular, when you can watch the tree tops... ... is very uncomfortable. I need to feel the ground beneath my feet, I can: walk, climb, cave, or at least be in the water and swim, but not with heights, unfortunately...

The first hot air balloon was invented by the brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier, who demonstrated it at Annonay on 04.06.1783, when the balloon rose to a height of 1,000 m and flew about 2 km. In September of the same year, a balloon with a basket containing a sheep, a cock and a duck was demonstrated in front of the Palace of Versailles, and in November, a 2200 m3 balloon with an iron firebox was tested and for the first time flown by humans.

I remember before the war in Ukraine we had a new travel programme in Luxor, a 2-day balloon ride, but we did not announce it, it is still in the 'drawer'. Besides, how can I offer people something that I have not experienced myself? I saved up my morale by getting other members of the Company to join me, because it would not have been brave enough to do it alone, and with the permissions booked in advance, it was decided to go. The day happened to be a day when many cruise ships were moored and the number of people wanting to go up was really high. We got a seat on flight 2, which of course does not make much sense, but if I signed up for this adventure I was giving in to fate, which would lead me somewhere anyway.

5:45 is the scheduled departure time, we are waiting at the agreed place, at Luxor pier, if you have been to Egypt you may understand that 15 minutes is not even considered a delay, just a delay, we wait patiently. I still manage to buy an identical scarf I lost a few months ago, also in Luxor, and enjoy the first rays of sunlight, finally the driver arrives and takes me to the starting point. There are more than a few hot air balloons, and I may surprise you by saying that Egypt is one of the leading countries in hot air ballooning, surpassed only by the USA, thanks to its favourable weather conditions and the possibility of being able to take off almost all year round. Today, we will also have the opportunity to increase this statistic.

Our Company, according to the permits and the list, is allocated a balloon and a bag, to our surprise, we will not be 4 more people without us, but they are in a different place in the balloon's cache. Behind us, or rather in the middle of the bag, is the captain, a grey haired man who inspires confidence. Vrun, vrun, pukšt, pukšt and I start to feel that we have got off the ground, there is no speed, but it was enough to make my palms wet Well, it's okay, maybe somehow, I'm trying to calm myself down. You have to look forward, only forward... I think you're laughing now, but at the time I wasn't.

I'm trying to take selfies, because nobody will believe me, and I need to prove to myself that I can do it too... My face betrays me, the worry and maybe even fear, I'm hardly breathing, but I'm trying to look forward, upwards, and I'm even getting the shots, and I've got a lot of shots to prove.

The captain, as we later find out, is experienced, he has been flying since 2005 and has had over 3000 flights, he follows the regulations, this is allowed, this is strictly not. When he takes the balloon to the next level, he also works as a guide, showing me, here is the Karnak temple, here are the tombs, and over here - look down, people are bowing their heads, and I'm backing up like a crab against the wall of the bag, obviously from the inside. No, I don't really need a view downwards. We fly on, and I can see the animal sheds on the roofs, the chickens and even a few sheep digging. The Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir El Medina - the Valley of the Craftsmen or the Valley of the Workers, Rameses, beautiful green fields, the silhouette of the rising sun, and the fog in the distance, and if it wasn't for my fear of heights, it would have been a perfect romantic idyll. Although looking at the men of the Company, their eyes twinkle with admiration when asked if they would repeat it again? The answer is "without a doubt".

I can't say exactly how long we stayed in the air, a good half an hour or maybe more, but personally it was enough to admire and take pictures and meet the sun at dawn.

Maybe you would like to go up in a hot air balloon? Then you should plan to come to Luxor for at least two days and at sunrise you will be able to see the beauty of the "West" bank, also known as the "Dead" bank from a bird's eye view.

I can't say exactly how long we were in the air, a good half an hour, or maybe more, but personally it was enough to admire and take photos and see the sun at dawn.

Would you like to go up in a hot air balloon too? Then you should plan to come to Luxor for at least two days, and at sunrise you will be able to get a bird's eye view of the beauty of the "West", also known as the "Dead" coast.

If you're not afraid of heights, you'll want to do it again, and if you're afraid of heights, one may be enough, but the experience is truly priceless and worthy of the term "first time". We go for breakfast, specially prepared by the staff of the apartment hotel, and if you liked the story? Stay tuned...